Thursday, September 1, 2011

Still Feeling Great!

I got my three months cancer-free checkup a couple of weeks ago, and the Doc says I look great! Well, of course I look great - I always do - but my cancer is gone, and there hasn't been any re-occurrence anywhere else yet. Dr Fidel at WSU calls me "the miracle dog" and now the radiation protocol they tried out on me is being used all the time - I'm a real trailblazer! I still have to take a lot of drugs, and get tests and stuff, but no more chemo or surgery.

I'm just as strong as ever, and I proved it - we went up to the Flathead Valley and did some hiking in the Bob Marshall Wilderness. First we did a 7.5 mi hike into Jewel Basin - it was really pretty and we only saw one other hiker after we left the trailhead, which is pretty amazing since the trailhead parking lot was full - we think they all went South when we went North. They still had snow for me to roll on, and lots of ground squirrels to chase - Schultz went totally crazy trying to get to all the whistles! We also did a shorter hike to Dickey Lake, but it was much harder - the first 2 miles we bashed through really thick brush, and the last 0.4 mi to the lake was practically vertical - but I led the way, a trailblazer in more than one sense!

Mom left us again for a few things - first, she went to Grandma's house to help re-do the decks and do more cleaning - and then she went on another trail maintenance trip. This one was with the Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation, and was in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. She said it was really beautiful and fun, but a lot of hard work. Unfortunately, her camera battery died, so she only got a couple of pictures.

Mom and Dad have also been busy around the house. Dad's been working really hard on the Mustang - he got the old engine out, re-did all the brakes lines and wiring, and now he's putting the new engine and transmission together. A friend from work is coming over next week to help him put the engine and tranny in the car. Mom's been working on her rock walls for the garden again, and ended up having to dig one side about 4 ft deep to get a rotted tree trunk out. Now she has to get some good foundation filler before she can finish the walls. She's also been splitting the wood Dad got delivered. The guy Dad bought the wood from is supposed to bring another cord and his splitter, but that hasn't happened yet, and Mom decided it would make a good workout. She's gotten about 2/3 of the way through 2 cords so far.

Here are some pictures of Mom's trip to the Frank Church Wilderness, Dad cutting down the tree, and our trip to the Bob Marshall Wilderness - enjoy!

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