Monday, January 12, 2009

Lots going on, but not many pictures

Well, we've been busy, but haven't taken a lot of pictures.

Mom and Dad bought cross country skis, and we all skied up and down Skahlko Pass road - they close it in the winter. It was lots of fun, and nobody fell down!

We also went for a nice winter walk in the Larry Creek Complex, with lots of stuff to snif!

Dad's been trying to get my fence in (not that I need one, I always come back) but our road is one big sheet of ice! Dad and Mom put funny things on their paw covers so they don't slide - but then they laugh when I do, which just isn't fair. Mom says it looks like I'm dancing - 1, 2, 3 slide, 1, 2, 3, slide... - which is a good description, because I am incredibly graceful. I've also gotten to chase a lot of deer and turkeys, but it's hard to chase them in the snow.

I wanted to chase the moose that was in our yard, but Mom wouldn't let me out :-(
She did take a picture, but forgot to put it on our laptop, so I can't post it - sorry!

We've also gone to Malmstrom AFB to get Mom and Dad their official retiree ID cards - they're pretty happy about that!

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