Friday, October 3, 2008

Dad's home all the time!

Mom & Dad keep talking about new dens. They said we sold the den in Colorado, and bought one in Montana, and that we'd be moving there pretty soon. I've never been to Colorado, but I liked Montana when we stayed in a little cabin and I got to play with the pack there. Mom and Dad also keep going through all the boxes of papers and putting them in piles, and going through their removable furs and putting those in bags and taking them all away someplace.

Dad's now at home with me all day - which is great, 'cause Dad's my hero - and today Mom stayed home too, and took me running this morning. Running is almost as much fun as the dog park, but more tiring - Mom's gotten faster over the last year. Dad says Mom is retiring soon, and she won't be wearing the funny one-piece fur with the patches that make ripping sounds anymore. Mom says she's tired and ready to retire - the "politics" are too much. I don't know what that means, but if she takes me running, I don't care!

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