Friday, January 30, 2009

Don't Fence Me In

Humming the song? I'm singing...

Well, Dad and Mom have been busy, busy, busy! They've gotten all the top rails on the fence and the big gate in. Now they just have to string the wire and wait for spring to warm up the ground enough to put the square posts at the front of the house in. The ground is too frozen to drive square posts - they shatter if you try. They're going to put in some temporary fence for the front until it warms up. I don't like the idea of a fence much, but I do like it when they're out putting up the fencing, because they give me a bone to chew on!

Other than fencing, Mom and Dad have been busy trying to get up to speed on Fire Dept ops, going on walks with me everyday, getting all our stuff organized, and various other work around the house. They also put up a pullup bar in the basement, not that they've needed to use it while all the fencing is going up - that's hard work! And we went cross country skiing again on the Gibbons Pass road near Lost Trail Ski Area and the Chief Joseph cross country ski trails - but Chief Joseph doesn't allow dogs, they say we mess up the tracks - who needs tracks?

Mom also bought (thanks Craiglist!) a new weight set with a squat rack so she can do all the crossfit ( exercises properly - not that she's up to using all that much weight!

Speaking of weight, Dad and Mom took me to our new vet, and he said I'm too fat! Can you believe it??? I'm skinny and fit and well, OK, I guess I put on a little tiny bit of weight, moving is stressful you know! So now I'm on a diet, which pretty much sucks. Bet I'll lose my winter weight faster than Mom or Dad!!!

Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying winter - enjoy the embarrasing photo of me rolling in the snow Mom insisted loading on my site - parents can be so uncool.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Burning Down the House - well, hopefully not!

In the great tradition of the Minutemen of Concord, Rough Riders in Cuba and Mr Hainey in Green Acres, Dad and Mom have joined the Victor Volunteer Fire Department. Yup, they're going to be saving lives and property - kind of scary if you ask me! And they won't let me ride in the Fire Truck :-(

And the very day after they joined, they got to ride out on a structure fire - yes, a real fire. They helped the other firefighters get new air bottles, dragged hoses, and learned how to operate the pumper truck.

I anticipate insurance rates for the area will get dramatically higher soon!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Lots going on, but not many pictures

Well, we've been busy, but haven't taken a lot of pictures.

Mom and Dad bought cross country skis, and we all skied up and down Skahlko Pass road - they close it in the winter. It was lots of fun, and nobody fell down!

We also went for a nice winter walk in the Larry Creek Complex, with lots of stuff to snif!

Dad's been trying to get my fence in (not that I need one, I always come back) but our road is one big sheet of ice! Dad and Mom put funny things on their paw covers so they don't slide - but then they laugh when I do, which just isn't fair. Mom says it looks like I'm dancing - 1, 2, 3 slide, 1, 2, 3, slide... - which is a good description, because I am incredibly graceful. I've also gotten to chase a lot of deer and turkeys, but it's hard to chase them in the snow.

I wanted to chase the moose that was in our yard, but Mom wouldn't let me out :-(
She did take a picture, but forgot to put it on our laptop, so I can't post it - sorry!

We've also gone to Malmstrom AFB to get Mom and Dad their official retiree ID cards - they're pretty happy about that!