Boy, this isn't fun at all - I can't believe Mom is doing this to me! And I feel horrible too - this just sucks. So, you remember from my last post that I had this weird esophagus disease? Well, it isn't that at all.
See, I started getting worse, and coughing more, and having more pain, so we went back to the Internal Med vet and he did some ultrasounds on my throat - turns out, I have cancer. He thought it was thyroid cancer, and recommended I get surgery in Spokane or Washington State University. So, Mom made an appointment for me in Spokane, but I got sicker well before the appointment, so our regular vet stuck a bunch of needles and fluids in me, and Mom drove me to WSU late last Thursday night. Good thing she did, 'cause it turns out I was having a bad drug interaction problem, and on top of that, I don't have thyroid cancer, I have tonisillar cancer which has spread to one of my lymph nodes. The big tumor on my tonsil was the reason for my coughing and pain.
Since it's spread, surgery really isn't an option, so I'm getting radiation and chemotherapy. Which means Mom and I stay in a hotel at night, and she drops me off at the WSU vet hospital every morning, where they put me under and give me radiation treatment twice a day - or that's what they tell Mom anyway - I just fall asleep a lot there. Even though the doctors and techs are all really nice, I don't like it there and I just want to go home. But Mom says we have to stay here at least another week - yuck! My tummy is all upset all the time, and I just want to lay down on my bed next to Dad at home and sleep, but no, I'm stuck here with Mom. Mom is OK, but I really want Dad!
Anyway, even though I don't feel very good, the cancer is shrinking quickly and we should be done with this part by the end of next week. I know we'll all be happy to get back to normal!